We Educate
That is what Foundations do!
Why do we need Agro forestry?
Benefits? Problems? Agro forestry communities are the solution to economic growth and climate change initiatives. Learn more.
We Train
Our training is how to be an agro forester and make money. The poor farmer can avail.
From the nursery the sprouts grow into seedlings, then they are planted on the farmers’ land to become trees.
We Grow
Each year the growth is measured and records compiled. Our growth rate is nearly double that of the standard.
We Collect Carbon
Trees are Mother Nature’s CO2 collectors and oxygen emitters. Of course this is the net effect of the two processes of photosynthesis and respiration, opposite processes, with the Carbon sequestering and oxygen emission being a net gainers, otherwise the trees would not grow.
We Thin to Create Sustainability
The first wave of trees creates shade for soil rehabilitation. The second wave is for fruit, nut, sap, fiber, medicinal, herbal, biomass and are planted where the timber is thinned.
We Sequester Carbon
The carbon is converted from CO2 into molecular carbon that remains within the wood of the tree where it is sequestered as long as the wood is not burned or decomposed.
Value-add Products
Products that are made of the wood are of high quality, thus retaining the carbon for generations to come. High quality solid wood plank flooring, tonge and groove, last indefinitely.
We Use Your Advance Purchase
When you purchase the products they have not been made yet. The process involves hand sawing and preparation, including seasonal drying. The final milling is by machine.
You Partner to Make this Possible
Your advanced purchase makes this Value-add process possible and enables more reforestation to be initiated.
Partnering is sustainability
The strength of our continued persistence comes from your orders.
You Are also a Partner in the Climate Change Revolution
More area can be farmed through back yard forests than can be imagined. British and American families grew all that they needed and more in small back yard gardens during WWII. Forests do not have to be large and when biochar is added to the forest floor tremendous amounts of carbon iare sequestered.
You Earn
We charge you less for the product that you order than the price for which we will resell it on your behalf. The difference is shared between you and the project. We manufacture and sell direct, no middleman.
Students are Local
The Foundation’s students are farmer-families. They own barren and non-productive land which we make productive workign together.
Both Grew Together
Mhey Declito was 6 years old when her parents planted this beautiful Mahogany. She is now 23 years old and a fourth year student at a major university where she majors in education. Mehy appreciates the importance of letting these trees live and understands the principle of sustainability. A new generation of thinking is the answer and Mhey represents that thinking. Not only can it be done, it is being done.
The Students Learn to be Self-earners
We teach money making from the creation of agro forestry through sustainable reforestation.
The Students Grow out of Poverty
Most barren land has been that way for as much as 50 years when deforestation was at its peak. So, by reforesting it now we can bring the respective farmer-families to First World incomes in half the time.
The Students Become the Local Economic Backbone
Through the long-term relationships between the Foundation and the local farmer-families the new wealth for the locals is subtle at first and financial management and responsibility becomes the teaching ground for new curricula aimed at local economic stability.
Partnership is the Climate Change Revolution
Growing trees is expensive but feasible. It is far less expensive than the far out technical projects being proposed by advocates of new technologies and is far more feasible than all of them too. Together we can encourage voluntary replication that will produce several trillion-tree-plantings by billions of farmers and others around the world. They just need to see it being done first and that is where we can partner.
Voluntary Replication
In the smaller photo there are 20 Mahogany saplings and trees in this very remote area. Each planted by a poor farmer without any guidance or assistance. This is voluntary replication of what they see IVAFMS Foundation is doing. For a moment, imagine, 1 billion poor farmers planting on their own 20 trees each. Twenty billion new trees in this world is nothing we should ignore, especially the carbon sequestration and oxygen production.
Less Than 2 Degrees Centigrade
As part of the Climate Change Revolution we can plant enough trees to reduce the rate of global warming to less than 2 degrees centigrade, especially if we use biochar. The current rate of increase in global warming is far greater and by slowing it to our target we can avoid more adverse climate change, buy time for additional “clean-up” technologies and be able to survive this crisis.
The Foundation is looking for partners and in return will provide a return of 100% within 2 years. Payments are made along the way. For more information simply click on the donation button and make a minimum $3.00 contribution and IVAFMS Foundation will follow with the partnership dialog and details. The time is now.
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