4 in a Series
The three-year-old Mahogany is amazingly resealant. As a sapling it has strength and size. When confronted with drought it dies from the top first, giving in downward until the first rain and then it begins growing again from the lowest portion that succumbed to the drought. Mortality now drops to less than 1%. In its seedling stage it required the caretaker to water it two to three times weekly during the dry season and provide fertilizer once during the beginning of the rainy season. As a sapling it is on its own.
However, the use of Biochar, organic fertilizer and probiotics is being researched at present and the results may be very promising. There is no apparent reason why the saplings should not receive continued feeding and care. Where we have provided such the trees have grown extremely well. The illustrated forest is only 2.5 years old.
The Mahogany trees illustrated in this photo taken from the
second floor balcony are in the front yard of the author’s residence. They received watering daily during the
dry season and were also
They are only 2.5 years old too but in comparison the growth rate is
nearly double. The ones (dark green) on the
left are 3.5 years old.
tremendous difference when watered and cared for routinely.
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