Plant-a-Tree Store "Click Below"

  • Be a Partner in Climate Change and Earn
    Sustainable forestry requires the thinning of the forest. The trees that we thin each year contain sequestered carbon. It is our job to retain that carbon within the lumber by making top quality wood products that will be passed on from generation to generation. We are the source, our pricing is so low that we can offer a partner the opportunity to make advanced purchases, we use the funds to capitalize, thin the forest, manufacture, package and ship on a six to 12-month basis. In return we sell the partner's advanced purchase for a retail price and return the proceeds to the partner and the project.
  • Agroforestry Home Page
    The proceeds from this store are for agroforestry development using bio-diversified sustainable reforestation building a locally based economy and sequestering carbon.

Starting a Forest

We thank you for your donation of US$3.00. If a million more like you stepped up and donated the same it would be powerful, thank you again. The logo selection will be sent to you following receipt of your donation.
You write the check in any amount you choose. Your receipt will immediately follow. Thank you for helping to REFOREST.
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Member since 12/2009


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